Friday, March 19, 2010

Catching Butterflies

Sharon, our TPW naturalist, showed the girls how to catch butterflies with Q-tips and sugar water. Touch it to the butterfly's legs and it will jump on and start feeding on the sugar water.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Vacation Friends

Remember meeting friends on your family vacations? Sabrina and Sophie had that chance this week. What a wonderful experience to watch.

Enchanted Rock

Got up early this morning, stopped for a little Texas home cookin' in Llano at Mom's Cafe before climbing up Enchanted Rock. We managed to stop at some of our favorite rock hunting spots afterward, collecting some serpentinite and llanite. Finally, we stopped by Cooper's in Llano for a little Texas Barbecue before heading back to the cabin for coffee, Uno, and bedtime.

Nature Hike

Yesterday we went on a nature hike hosted by former Texas Parks and Wildlife naturalist. Apparently the popular bird to see is the Cedar wax wing:
Here are a couple of images including a vireo nest, some wildflowers , cactus, etc.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Canyon of the Eagles

We are at Canyon of the Eagles this week which is hidden is a cove at Lake Buchanan. This place is a hidden gem and the girls could not be more pleased. Here is a pic of Connie relaxing on the porch of our cottage. There are wonderful nature hikes and the girls swimming in pool water that is in upper 50 degrees and not minding a bit. The girls have made friends and constructed the "Three Booty Dam". I wanted to call it "Three Dam Girls" but I was outvoted.