Sunday, June 10, 2012

Old Faithful

A trip to Yellowstone would not be complete without a visit to Old Faithful geyser, or in our case "Marginally Faithful".    The time for our geyser eruption was predicted to be 10:51am +/- 10 minutes, and did not go off until 11:15 am with a lot of little tease eruptions.  However, it went off in style and did not disappoint.

We also toured "Geyser Hill" near Old Faithful.  There are many interesting hydrothermal features in the vicinity, like " Anemone Geyser" which 'kissed' Sophie with hot water even though it only goes up 6 feet.  The real big surprise was "Beehive Geyser" shown above in front of Old Faithful Inn.  This monster went off while folks were just a few feet away.  It is unpredictable and ranges from 10 hours to 5 days between eruptions.  We were lucky enough to be nearby.

Also, the wind was BRUTAL and cold, mid 30's, and it started to snow on us after lunch.  That would be "Geyser Hill" in the background behind the girls.  Is it me, or is our 11 year-old daughter as tall as her mom?

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