Sunday, June 10, 2012

"White Christmas" in Yellowstone and Tetons

So the snow hasn't stopped for two days.  The girls keep quoting "Horton Hears a Who" by saying "It's Shnowing in the middle of Shummer!".    The trees are at Lake Lewis in south Yellowstone Park.  This our cabin and trusty steed "The Scarlett Stallion" in Togwotee Pass, WY near Grand Teton Park.  Sophie built us a fire in the fire place.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how much snow you had after we left Yellowstone! It snowed a little while we were there but not that much!

    I hope you got home OK after your trip away. We have been back a couple of days and are still a bit tired but doing OK. Lovely to read your posts here.

